Welcome to GuitarPush!


This website will unlock your guitar potential. Featuring articles on various techniques, an artist focus series, our own range of guitar books and finally “How Do you Play that?” a section that helps you to play the guitar parts you’ve always wanted.

Guitar push will continue to evolve so make sure you bookmark the site! Good luck learning!

Don’t forget to Follow us on our socials…




We have created books to help you take your guitar playing to the next level. Including Every Chord Shape You Will Ever Need, Every Arpeggio Shape You Will Ever Need and What to Practice available in paperback and kindle.


GuitarPush Scrapbook





How Do You Play That?

Ever wondered how to play your favourite guitar part? Yes? Us too! Let’s challenge ourselves to figure out the coolest guitar riffs, solos, chords progressions and play them!



Study the best and you will become a master! take some time with these artists in order to understand their playing styles.


Backing Tracks & Improv

Keep up to date with our YouTube Channel which features our improvisations and backing tracks.



Play along to our arrangements of original and cover songs! Enjoy!